Tuesday, September 17, 2013

P.O.W.E.R. Writing Process Posters

Writing well is a PROCESS! It is so important that students understand that great writing doesn’t happen in one step. In my class, to help students remember the steps of the writing process, I use the acronym POWER . Each letter stands for one of the steps of the writing process: Pre-Write, Organize, Write, Edit, and Revise. I really stress to my students that writing well gives people POWER, and their writing will be stronger if they take it through the whole writing process.

This product is available on Teachers Pay Teachers for only $3 (CLICK HERE) and includes: 
  • Two basic POWER posters that outline the steps of the writing process. One of the posters includes a basic version of how the Six Traits of Good Writing apply to the writing process and the other does not.
  • One POWER poster that details the parts of each of the steps in the writing process.
  • Two options of 5-Poster sets that have one poster for each of the steps in the writing process.
  • Two options of a parent newsletter that explains the POWER writing process to parents. One of the newsletters includes details about the Six Traits of Good Writing and the other does not.

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