Thursday, March 14, 2019

My Teaching "To-Do" List

Wow, some days it is really hard not to get caught up in my never-ending teacher to-do list. As soon as I get close to the end, new things have been added. It can be hard to keep a positive outlook.

That's why this post by Dave Stuart Jr. really hit home to me. It's called "The Shift," and in it, he talks about how when he gets caught up in the never-ending to-do list, he writes himself a new list with just one item on it: Promote the long-term flourishing on young people.

Obviously, that's a huge job itself, but just simplifying everything I'm doing down into a simple sentence that reminds me of WHY I am doing it really helps me keep perspective and my sanity.

Thanks, Dave! I needed that today! (And I'll probably need it tomorrow, too!)